About Me

Hmm, on personal front, I could say, although I'm a prankster, I always talk with great respect. Originality, simplicity and being courageous are my biggest assets. My beautiful heart is something one shouldn't miss interacting with. I am certain and simple yet confused. Anger, irritation, happiness and sorrows are all apparent in me. A simple and hearty smile of mine unknowingly reflects my purity and innocence.

Professionally, I am an MBA grad working as Senior Consultant with an MNC in Delhi. I am a photographer, a traveler, a foodie, a guitarist (wanted to be a percussionist though!)

Hmmm.. Isn't that too much about me?? Okay..then some of my favorites...

  • Ilaya Raja, A.R.Rehman, DSP, 
  • Books by Ashwin Sanghi, Sidney Sheldon, Amish Tripati, Chetan Bhagat 
  • Suspense thriller, Comedy, Horror 
  • Photography, Tyrolean Crossing, River rafting, Long Rides, Badminton, Table Tennis
  • Indian, Italian, Arabic, Moghlai, Japanese
You can reach out to me at vidyanathaarvi@gmail.com