February 28, 2013 | By: Vidyanath Aarvi


          Right from class 1 to 10th... just recollect the subjects what we have studied (I was trying to ask my friend beside me who was seriously watching RGV ki AAG). Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, Science and social. Almost everyone might have studied these subjects or few might have studied Sanskrit instead of Telugu. In Telugu, we studied poetry and prose, we heard lot of stories. last but not least...Non-Detail. We had similar categories in Hindi and English too. Now coming to Maths (my all time favorite subject)... We studied starting from addition and subtractions to differentiation and integration, and many principles too... I literally played with numbers. In science, physics, chemistry and biology taught us many things in life. At last social studies, we studied geography (about solar system and earth specifically), history (starting from Mughal empire to ongoing Gandhi empire), civics (politics and constitution) and economics (value of money).

          After 10th people are categorized viz. few into Intermediate, few into diploma and ITI. Again, in intermediate, students are categorized in terms of subjects. People who like maths prefer MPC, who doesn't like maths prefer BiPC and who doesn't like both prefer CEC or HEC or MEC. People who join in sciences forget Arts and vice versa.

          Next Degree... this is again divided into two. Technical (BE or Btech) and non-technical (B.Sc or B.Com). Till 12th, we divide subjects and study. However, in degree, they divide people and make us study. That's why I feel degree has much prominence in human education. Okay, now let's come to the point... In Engg, there were 32 departments when I joined Btech. See how we are categorized. Current shockers are Electrical Engineers. Constructors are Civil Engineers. Studies of machines are Mechanical Engineers. What we do here in Degree is we will have expertise on particular area of subject. Might be other things too. ;)

          In addition to this few more people prefer PG studies, wherein they squeeze whatever they had studied in degree. Few more people who were not satisfied with their desires in education prefer PhD, M.Phil, or Fellowship. They'll have expertise on only single paper. If you ask them anything, they say Story of a cow. People who don't know Story of a cow please read below. From six subjects in matriculation, see where it ends at a single paper in PhD.


          Long ago, there was a smart boy named Vidyanath in a school. One fine day teacher asked Vidyanath to say something about cow. Then he started saying... "Cow is animal, it has 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth and a tongue in it etc. cow gives us milk, from milk we can make curd, butter etc. cow eats grass." hearing this answer teacher applauded him. Teacher asked Vidyanath to say about his home. Vidyanath started as... "I and my parents stay in my home, my home is in Hyderabad. There is a cow outside of my house. (Haa... cow...). Cow is animal, it has 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth and a tongue in it.etc etc." Now, teacher felt pity on him and asked him to say about car. Our intelligent Vidyanath started saying... "Car is vehicle. It runs on fuel. When I was traveling in car, I saw a cow standing across the road. (Haa... cow...). Cow is animal, it has 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth and a tongue in it.etc etc." this time teacher was out of her control and punished innocent Vidyanath.


(The above post is truly my personal opinion. This is not to offend anyone who studied higher degrees. Story of a cow is only for fun. I know i didn't mention few Degrees like MBBS, BPharm, BDS, etc. students of respective degrees are no less than that of mentioned in the post. Whatever the degree is Situation is the Same)
February 20, 2013 | By: Vidyanath Aarvi

Mobile Prone

That was 2 'o' clock in the midnight, when people were in sound sleep and its the time usually dogs howl!!!

I woke up suddenly as my mobile rings "U r my pumpkin pumpkin, Hello Honey bunny".
Who is that idiot calling me at this time, I thought.
I picked up the call some shitty songs began to play one after the other, press 1, press 2...blah blah..
I was irritated an cut the call immediately.
Since the day I was carrying a mobile, I was receiving many calls that were unnecessary and irrelevant.

Example 1:

An executive calls me "We are calling from so and so bank, am I speaking to Vidyanath"
I answered him, he questions back "May I know your age?"

By any chance is he a mediator from a marriage bureau?

He questions again "In which company are you working?"
I patiently answered all his questions, he asks something irrelevant to my requirements...but he doesn't come to the point to be discussed.

At last, he says, "We are offering you a wonderful offer on personal loan. blah blah..." as if he was offering me a duplex bungalow in Banjara hills...

At times, I entertain such calls, just to have the first hand information.

Example 2:

The other day some other person calls and says, "We are calling from yahoo.com, your mobile number has been selected in 2013 lucky draw. You won $1000000... You just need to send ₹25000 for inter country transfer charges. We will send you the cheque to your address".

I wondered if I won such a big lottery, why wouldn't they deduct those charges and whatever the taxes applicable and send me the remaining amount. 

Huh.. innovative ideas to loot people!

Example 3:

Moreover, it is useless to say about calls regarding credit cards and insurances, they call me when I'm seriously busy. Nowadays SBI also started fearing people saying, "SBI never sends mail asking your personal details and never calls you for asking your transaction password."

I'm facing such terrible instances with mobile!

Now, see the advantages of a phone, we speak with lot of people, listen to songs, browse internet, alarms, play games, etc.

Here, there's a special mention about Short Message Service (SMS). We receive forwarded texts with an emotional touch. We would have definitely felt better and relaxed for a moment.

Example 4: A forwarded Message

Cute Proposal:

Boy asked girl: "Who is your enemy?"
Girl replied & proposed: "My worst enemy is my HEART because it's mine but beats for you."

We'll be troubles due to high addiction towards mobile phones.

Don't trouble the trouble. If you trouble the trouble...then trouble troubles you...this post is not the trouble...This is truth...